Complimentary Article 

Onboarding initiatives need to do more than just introduce new hires to the basic information, systems, and processes of a company. They need to drive employee engagement and help new hires understand how one’s role and function fits into the big picture.  Often new hires have not been exposed to the fundamental business acumen skills of strategy and finance that would greatly support their personal development and organizational growth. 

We invite you to download our latest Advantage Point article, Why Business Acumen Should be a Part of Every Onboarding Initiative.  This article discusses the importance of adding business acumen training as part of an onboarding process.  It shows you how business acumen training integrated with a hands-on business simulation provides new hires with the  skills and tools they need to:

  • be effective in their job
  • understand and implement your company's strategy,
  • make sound functional decisions that will impact bottom line performance. 

If you have any issues with downloading a copy, please email us at and we will send you a copy directly through email.