Showcasing information and resources about Advantexe featured learning journeys.
Designed for people leaders at any level who can benefit from the opportunity to enhance their developmental coaching skills, Advantexe’s Coaching for Business Success™ is a digital business simulation and workshop in which participants have the chance to practice their coaching skills by learning and applying the GROW coaching model (Goal, Reality, Options, Way Forward).
To help IT professionals build the necessary business skills to provide more value, Advantexe has developed the Business of Cybersecurity Simulation and Masterclass workshop. The program enables participants to build insights and skills by placing them in a real-life situation that requires them to make critical decisions that will affect the security and financial performance of a simulated organization.
The Resolving Business Conflict learning journey is an interactive learning experience that uses a digital business simulation to help learners build and practice the skills needed to resolve organizational conflict. The program is designed for professionals at all levels whose challenge is to resolve conflict in the workplace.
To help organizations create an inclusive culture with decreased employee disengagement, fear, anxiety, and high turnover, Advantexe has created the Psychological Safety micro-simulation and learning experience.
Our Business Acumen for Sales Professionals is a dynamic two-part learning experience that combines facilitated learning, self-paced eLearning, role-plays, and a hands-on industry-specific digital business simulation.
The highly interactive training program is designed to provide learners with the opportunity to experience through digital simulations how their decision-making can directly affect a company's business performance.