About Advantexe Leadership Simulations 

Advantexe’s Leadership Business Simulations enable participants to learn the best practices and behaviors related to a specific process, skills, or set of leadership competencies. These simulations are designed to focus on issues that individuals regularly address in the areas of leadership, change, management, strategic execution, and others. Participants practice new behaviors and make bold business decisions in a risk-free environment, giving them the confidence to do the same thing on the job.

Resolving Business Conflict 

Advantexe’s new Resolving Business Conflict learning journey andConflict-brochure business simulation is an interactive learning experience designed to help participants build the necessary skills to resolve four types of common business conflicts:

  • Business Asset Conflicts
  • Business Goal Conflicts
  • Business Culture Conflicts 
  • Business Brand Conflicts.

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Coaching for Business Success

Advantexe’s Coaching for Business Success™ is an interactive learningcoaching-LS journey that incorporates a digital business simulation in which participants have the chance to build and practice their coaching skills applying the GROW coaching model (Goal, Reality, Options, Way Forward).



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Psychological Saftey

The Psychological Safety microsimulation is part of an asynchronous orPsych-saftey-LS synchronous learning journey.

In the simulation, learners make decisions to practice the three key competencies required to effectively protect employee’s well-being within the business setting:

  1. Psychological Safety
  2. Engagement
  3. Business Leadership

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Practical Change Leadership 

Advantexe’s new Practical Change Leadership learning journey andPLC-LS immersive simulation were built in partnership with author Dr. Elizabeth Moran to bring an interactive experience designed to help learners build the necessary skills to lead teams through change.  Based on Moran’s book, FORWARD: Leading your Team through Change, the simulation provides learners with a framework to better manage the reactions, concerns, and needs of their teams during times of change. 

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Fundamentals of Business Change

Advantexe’s Fundamentals of Business Change is an interactiveFBC-LS workshop featuring a digital business simulation in which learners focus on change from a people leadership perspective.

The simulation presents engaging, realistic scenarios to help build change leadership skills in a risk-free environment.

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Leading Strategic Execution

Advantexe’s Leading Strategic Execution™ is a hands-on learning workshopLSE-LS featuring a two-round interactive simulation. The program is designed to help participants align, communicate, motivate, and drive their direct and indirect teams to execute the organizational strategy in order to achieve revenue, growth, and profit targets.

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