Learn and Apply the Language of a SaaS Business  

New competitors, shifts in technology, changing business models, declining customer service, new marketing opportunities, and growing security risks are just some of the new and exciting challenges and opportunities faced by today’s Software as a Service (SaaS) companies.

To help employees better understand how a SaaS business makes money, Advantexe, an award-winning developer of digital business simulations has developed NuVu, the SaaS business Simulation.

How Does the Simulation Work?

In the simulation, learners take the role of the leadership team at NuVu Technologies, a fictitiouscompany-logo-sq SaaS company. NuVu has shifted from a traditional on-premise software solution model to a Software-as-a-Service business model. The shift in software distribution has completely changed the way NuVu customers and employees approach their work resulting in greater agility, efficiency, and security. The company has been achieving mixed results. Although sales are growing, there is concern that NuVu’s offerings may be lagging behind their competition and they are at risk of being unable to provide customers the value they require.

Over the course of several simulated years, learners make operational business decisions to help NuVu generate more revenue, manage cash flow, and turn a profit. Some of the important business decisions include server management, service offerings, marketing, pricing, employee motivation, and setting budgets.

In addition to the day-to-day operational decisions, the simulation also includes several “Wobblers.” A wobbler is an event-based story that “lives” inside the simulation and can include company-specific situations, one-time events, long-term initiatives, or ongoing challenges and business opportunities.

Watch Video to Learn More! 


Additional Information

The SaaS Business simulation helps learners better understand the systems of business. Specifically, the learning outcomes of the simulation include:

  • Understanding of how operational business decisions drive company performance
  • Leverage a company’s financial position and key business metrics to improve decision making
  • Better understand pricing and business models.
  • Recognize the importance of retaining top talent to ensure the company can deliver on its vision 

Who is the is the Simulation Designed For?

The SaaS business simulation is the perfect fit for experienced employees who need to strengthen their understanding of the system of how a business achieves its goals and objectives including first-time managers, emerging leaders, high-potential leaders, and executives. Recommended target audiences include functional professionals in:

  • Research and Development
  • Information Systems
  • Sales and Marketing
  • Human Resources
  • Customer Service
  • Operations
  • Finance

The SaaS simulation is hosted in the cloud and can be delivered in-person, virtually, or in a blended fashion as part of a 1 to 2-day business acumen learning journey.

The typical learning journey covers the core Business Acumen competencies that all employees should have to help an organization achieve goals and objectives. These competencies include financial literacy, understanding the metrics of business performance, building a strategic mindset, and how companies make money.

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