Harnessing the Power of Disruption
Today many organizations are being upended by exponential change. Inherent in these challenges are enormous opportunities to leverage disruptive forces for growth.
Those that will thrive recognize they must move with boldness, purpose and agility to not only disrupt their own business models before others do, but to challenge deep-seated mindsets that led to success in the past and shape their cultures into more nimble future-forward organizations.
The Leveraging Disruption for Growth Digital Business Simulation
To help enable leaders to embrace and leverage the inevitable disruption, Advantexe has developed a state-of the-art business simulation, Leveraging Disruption for Growth™. The Leveraging Disruption for Growth Simulation is designed for middle-level leaders who need to understand what disruption looks like, and how to successfully prepare for and lead through it. This digital business simulation is designed to create awareness and build critical skills by:
The simulation can be used as part of live training event, delivered 100% online as a Virtual Learning Journey, or delivered asynchronously online to individuals to build and enhance skills.
How it Works
The simulation is set at Quantex, a fictitious global organization, with a strong focus on operational excellence and product leadership. Executive management has identified the need to formally focus on disruption, digitalization, and innovation. Unfortunately, understanding and openness to making any real change is low across the organization.
Participants take on the role of Director of Strategic Initiatives for Business Unit 1, reporting to both the a new Chief Digital Officer and the commercial head of BU1. Within the three-round simulation, they weave through a realistic storyline, making decisions to;
Simulation Topics
The simulation was developed to help learners build the skills needed to re-invent how business is done while continuing to deliver value by focusing on speed, versatility, and experimentation through constantly challenging assumptions, and letting go of legacy mindsets that inhibit growth.
Every decision in the simulation is tied to one or more of the competencies that are critical to leveraging disruption for growth:
If you would like to learn more about the Disruption Simulation, download a brochure, or request a demo, please complete the form below.
“The reason why it is so difficult for existing firms to capitalize on disruptive innovations is that their processes and their business model that make them good at the existing business actually make them bad at competing for the disruption.”
The disruption simulation was developed in association with:
1001 Conshohocken State Road, West Conshohocken, Pennsylvania 19428
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