Business Leadership Take-Aways from the Zenefits Implosion

By Robert Brodo | Feb 22, 2016 9:35:40 AM

Supercool, SuperSaas, and Going to Jail

The interconnected business ecosystem worlds of venture capital, cloud computing, software as a service (Saas), and Human Capital Management (HCM) were shocked last week when Zenefits – one of the hottest and fastest growing companies on the planet – made an unprecedented business announcements that caused the rocket ship to crash back to earth.

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The Bad News Leader

By Robert Brodo | Feb 11, 2016 9:21:16 AM

Leadership is really hard even when things are going great.  It’s even harder when things are not going so great.  And unfortunately it is inevitable that there will be a technological disruption, a downturn in the economy, a natural disaster or something else unexpected.  Great leaders lead through the good, the bad, and sometimes the ugly.

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A Leadership Development Lesson: The Numbers Don't Lie

By Robert Brodo | Dec 30, 2015 9:17:00 AM

The end of a business year is always an interesting and stressful time for those in a business leadership role. They are trying to simultaneously manage the numbers, shareholder expectations, and close the year strong... with an eye on a fast start for the following year. During the last few weeks of December, we typically see;

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Providing Leadership During a Merger, Acquisition, or Spin-Off

By Robert Brodo | Dec 15, 2015 9:02:01 AM

This has been one of the busiest business years in a long time for mergers, acquisitions, spin-offs, and other variations of the above such as the merger-inversion-for-tax reasons, and the merger-triple-spin-off move.  At Advantexe, where we provide organizations with the power of practice through the use of business simulation, we have conducted many different transformational learning engagements over the years that have focused on building the skills of leaders and contributors during the transition and process of merging, spinning off, or both.  Most of these learning engagements have included business and leadership simulation exercises to help develop and practice the skills needed to survive and then thrive after the process.  This blog shares some of the observations, insights, and data that we have gathered from these engagements to provide quick tips and thoughts if you are leading or participating in a merger, spin-off, or some combination.

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5 Business Leadership Tips to Move from Blame to Accountability

By Robert Brodo | Nov 5, 2015 11:52:52 AM

Admit it. We have all been there and we have all done it. The former business leader has either been promoted to a new job or has left the company and a new leader has been announced and is ready to come in and take over with a “fresh” perspective. Within minutes of the announcement, the rumors fly and soon after that the “Tornado of Blame” starts to build energy. The Tornado of Blame is what happens when people start to blame everything that is wrong with the company on the former leader.

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