“You can have all of this value for an awesome price!”
“Compared to our competition, I’m offering you a really low price”
“We just launched this new product at an outrageously low initial price!”
As part of Advantexe’s work in the area of Strategic Business Selling, we have the opportunity to work with many different types of sales professionals ranging from high-tech sales to managed care pharmaceuticals sales. Recently, I have noticed a disturbing trend where sales professionals have been “adjectifying” price in their conversations with customers. As we all know, price is often a primary driver of decision making for most customers; however, there is something called the value dashboard that a customer uses to make a final decision and the other elements of the value dashboard beyond price play a part in the entire value proposition. Levels of service, product quality, product availability, brand, are just a few of the other possible elements of the value dashboard. The issue here is that by focusing too much on price by placing a strong adjective in front of it, you are separating price even further away from the other elements of the value dashboard which make the full value proposition.
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