It’s Time to Start Thinking about that Big Q1  Sales Meeting!

By Robert Brodo | Jul 30, 2024 7:59:15 AM

As the calendar turns to August and the dog days of summer are upon us, the last thing many Sales leaders are thinking about is that big Q1 2025 Sales Meeting. But you know it will be here sooner than you think and the last thing you want to do is scramble to throw something together at the last minute that doesn’t excite, motivate, or train your team to sell more.

The reason I am writing this blog is that we have several innovative and thoughtful clients who are already planning their January and February 2025 national sales meetings and have asked us to develop business simulation workshops to be integrated into their agendas.

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10 Secrets to having that “We are raising prices conversation”

By Robert Brodo | Dec 21, 2021 8:22:51 AM

One of the biggest challenges facing sales professionals and customer account teams around the world is the conversation about raising prices due to the global supply chain crisis and increases in raw material costs.

During the past few months, I have delivered several major Strategic Business Selling™ sales training programs to sales teams within several industries including specialty chemicals, high-tech, specialty materials, consumer products, and coatings and paints.

Throughout these engagements, the moods have been dampened as a result of the pending price issues and I have been asked to help by sharing best practices and tools that can help develop the skills to have that incredibly hard conversation with customers. It is my pleasure to share with readers of this blog the full content of an approach that can help direct and support having the raising price conversation.

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