Business Acumen Lessons from the Sale of Oscar Mayer

By Robert Brodo | May 14, 2024 7:24:01 AM

One of the most frequently asked questions in our Business Acumen training sessions is about large companies selling off business units or brands. It inevitably happens after a discussion on frameworks of strategy where we share that the most successful companies on the planet choose a strategic value proposition to their customers, execute it flawlessly, and most of all, stick with it over time.

After the introduction of the framework, the typical question sounds like this, “Hey Rob, so if I understand this correctly, the best companies look at their entire portfolio and have the same value proposition for each business unit or brand? Do they have to? You see, here at XYZ Corporation, we have one business unit that is the Product Leader and has the most innovative products, another that is all about great customer service, and a third that competes as a value brand on price. Oh, but sometimes that is switched around based on region.”

What could possibly go wrong with a business strategy like that, I say.

Which brings me to today’s news that Kraft Heinz is exploring the sale of its Oscar Mayer business. Oscar Mayer is world renowned for meat and its biggest seller of the good old Oscar Mayer wiener. The reason? Kraft Heinz is reconfiguring its portfolio to target a more health-conscious, nutritious consumer and unfortunately, hot dogs and other processed meats don’t fit that goal.

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Strategy Execution – Four Critical Things All Employees Need to Know

By Robert Brodo | Jun 21, 2016 11:17:50 AM

While facilitating the launch of our new Leading Strategic Execution™ business simulation workshop this week, I asked my group of participants a simple question; “If you Google ‘Strategy Execution,’ how many responses do you get?”

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Leading the Way Through Strategic Tension...

By Robert Brodo | Feb 16, 2016 10:00:00 AM

Between Flawless Execution and Innovation

They are two of the most important concepts and drivers of long term success in business; “Flawless Execution” and “Innovation.”

Most businesses thrive and stay in business through the efficient operationalization of a value proposition to customers.  The process of delivering a value proposition over and over again should create strong efficiencies and should create a culture of flawless execution.  Flawless execution is when the value proposition is delivered to the customer without any mistakes and the customer is 100% satisfied that the value proposition is the value proposition ordered.

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Connecting Daily Tasks to your Global Business Strategy

By Robert Brodo | Feb 9, 2016 8:59:25 AM

It is one of the most difficult leadership challenges faced everyday by leaders of people, leaders of leaders, and leaders of businesses; how to connect the minutiae of managing daily tasks to the global business strategy that is being executed by your company.

In the world of a “typical” employee, there are many distractions including the global 24/7 day, too much work to manage with limited resources, social media, unlimited sources of news, family obligations, and regular life (like banking and getting dry cleaning).  The challenge to leaders is how to create a culture and support it with processes to make sure there is alignment, collaboration, focus, and ultimately the best business results.

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Customer Intimacy Strategy with Changing Customers?

By Robert Brodo | Dec 22, 2015 9:31:33 AM

One of the most exciting parts of being the lead Business Acumen training consultant for more than 20 Fortune 1000 companies is the endless number of opportunities to learn and explore business-topics in more detail through my blogs and other research.

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