Episode 1 Replay - Change Leadership: Rob and Ruchi Live:


Episode 1 - Change Leadership 

rob-ruchi-live- changeleadership

Just in case you missed Rob and Ruchi Live, here is access to a replay of the first episode - https://youtu.be/IhuYgeHgM0Q

Episode 1: Change Leadership focused on;

  • What is change leadership?
  • Why do we implement it?
  • What are we looking to develop in people?
  • Who is change leadership for?

Hope you enjoy!

About Rob and Ruchi Live

Rob and Ruchi Live leverages real world experiences of working with large, global organizations and combines the art and science of talent management to provide you with thought provoking dialogues and practical tips and strategies to help you create impactful training solution that will drive a more motivated and highly productive workforce.  R&R Live will appear on Twitter every other week at @advantexels starting September, 21.  The next live stream will be Oct, 5. 

Why Business Acumen Matters

Robert Brodo

About The Author

Robert Brodo is co-founder of Advantexe. He has more than 20 years of training and business simulation experience.