It’s now an old saying “Employees leave their boss, not the company”. As identified in a 2015 Gallup, approximately half of the 7,200 adults surveyed, had left a job to get away from a bad boss.
As we know, bad bosses are not necessarily “bad people” they just don’t have the skill set required to have a positive impact on those around them. What does it take to have a positive impact? There are many elements that go into being a “good boss”, yet today, I’d like to focus on Coaching.
We can surely agree that all employees (not just millennials) want to be supported, inspired and given feedback.
When it comes to giving feedback, most people automatically think it will be negative feedback. Yet, a good Coach gives positive feedback often. Positive feedback includes acknowledging an employee for their daily efforts, their accomplishments (large and small) and their contributions (whether their ideas were implemented or not).
Studies show that being appreciated by our managers and co-workers is essential to feeling job satisfaction. A good coach makes sure their team members feel appreciated and respected. When employees are appreciated and respected, they are more engaged, and studies show that engaged employees are more productive. If we want folks to perform at their highest levels of productivity, then they need to feel acknowledged and respected.
This seems simple enough, yet, why is it so difficult?
Well, in my opinion, it starts with how employees are promoted to management positions. Most often, the criteria for promotion is based upon having a proven track record of success, or a particular expertise, or technical knowledge. Communication skills, enthusiastic leadership and motivational coaching are seldom criteria for promotion.
A recent study by TriNet said that 74 percent of millennial employees feel "in the dark" about how their managers and peers think they’re performing.
This presents a dilemma for L&D professionals who are charged with ensuring that their Team Leaders and High Potentials have the leadership skills necessary to retain and attract top talent.
Coaching and frequent feedback can help greatly. Do your Managers and Leaders have effective coaching skills? Do they inspire and support innovative thinking, risk taking and thinking outside the box? Do they praise good work and acknowledge employee’s efforts on a daily basis? Do they create an atmosphere of trust, collaboration, and open communication?
More and more, we at Advantexe Learning Solutions are seeing the need for developing Coaching skills in emerging Leaders. Our solution is to provide an opportunity for Leaders to practice their coaching skills, receive feedback and learn from their mistakes - all in a risk free environment. In a business simulation, we provide Managers with multiple realistic opportunities to provide feedback, show appreciation and build trust. By practicing their skills in a simulated environment, managers are better equipped back on the job.