Are you stuck in a cycle of average performance? Or could you be performing at a higher level?
This summer, I designed and delivered the inaugural Peak Performance Mindset VIP Retreat for B2B sales leaders. Why? During my decades-long career as publisher of Selling Power magazine, I’ve come to understand that most sales professionals are largely limited not by external factors, but by their own minds.
Negative thoughts, implanted beliefs, an addiction to distraction – these are the kinds of restraints that keep many sales leaders and salespeople in a cycle of average performance.
The Peak Performance Mindset Retreat for Sales Leaders
The Peak Performance Mindset Retreat blended classroom-style education with small-group discussion and adrenaline-packed outdoor experiences. In the classroom, experts in six different areas of mindset science shared research and practical steps for achieving peak performance in all areas of life. Overall, the event is designed specifically to help leaders break through the mental barriers holding them back from high levels of success.
A leader cannot truly lead other people until she achieves a peak performance mindset for herself. In my experience, there are still many leaders who could benefit from targeted work on their mindsets.
Take, for example, the issue of your unconscious. Most of us never examine our own preconceived notions and feelings, despite the fact that they shape our perspective on life. In fact, only five percent of our mind’s content ever actually reaches the conscious level. That means 95 percent of who you are, what you feel, and what you think is not happening on a conscious level.
Nine Hallmarks of a Peak Performance Mindset
Could a peak performance mindset retreat benefit you? To assess your current state, check out these nine hallmarks of leaders who’ve achieved a peak performance mindset.
- You understand how your implanted, imprinted, and inspired mindset influences your thoughts, reactions, and behaviors at all times.
- You know how to successfully activate your “inner CEO” for improved self awareness, social awareness, managing of self talk, setting goals, and more.
- You’re able to be mindful, productive, and effective in the face of distraction.
- You know the “why” of your existence; you’ve found purpose, meaning, and joy in what you do.
- You exhibit “no limits” thinking to bust through the mental barriers holding you back from reaching your goals.
- You have mentors who can help guide you toward fulfilling your potential.
- You have a healthy, active lifestyle that contributes to greater mental clarity and happiness.
- You understand and can manage the influence of any messages and traumas from your childhood.
- You routinely step into discomfort to grow and move toward ever-higher levels of performance.
When people shift their mindsets, amazing things happen. One of the sales leaders who participated in the Peak Performance Mindset VIP Retreat last month was Kim. Like other participants, Kim signed up to participate in a tandem skydiving jump (the jumps were facilitated by the amazing Jon DeVore, a multiple world-record holder of skydiving competitions.) Kim was terrified of jumping out of a plane. But she made the leap and enjoyed it so much she wants to skydive again one day. Afterward she expressed feelings of empowerment and joy; she said the experience will now serve as “a metaphor for the rest of my life.”
We also took sales leaders to a professional racetrack. Hillary Pryor, said she felt like she was “ready to take on the world” after racing around the track in an Audi R8.
One participant told me the weekend was more like an awakening than a retreat. Another posted, “I learned from many others. I only see dreams and possibilities and nothing else. The weekend changed me forever.” Still another said, “I discovered that I was operating at a much lower level of energy and focus. I realized that I have a lot more gas in the tank.”
So many participants used the retreat as an opportunity to open up and talk about the toughest battles in their personal lives. We learned that what had brought us through adversity was refusing to give up. The weekend reminded me there is no obstacle that can’t be overcome. Any sales leader who participates in the VIP Peak Performance Mindset Retreat will walk away with a greater awareness of his or her true capacities, a clear vision, and a definitive sense of purpose. You’ll also get mutual support and regular accountability checks.
I’m excited to host another Peak Performance Mindset VIP Retreat in Las Vegas on September 20-22. Contact me at for details.