Welcome to part three of Advantexe’s blog series, The Great Resignation through the Eyes of Three Generations. In part one we defined the Great Resignation and in part two, our panel provided their insights on why they thought people were leaving their jobs. Now we conclude the series with our panel responding to the question, What can companies do to retain employees?
Gen Z - Response – Allee Stidham, Manager of Project Management
To better retain employees, companies should start paying attention. The Great Resignation is not a fad, it will become the ‘new normal’, and companies need to shift their hiring strategies to reflect that. As employee turnover increases, they will need stronger onboarding practices, better information management, and flexibility in the job description.
When considering flexibility in job descriptions, companies need to think about how some people will want to work in the office and some won’t; some may want to work a different 8-hour shift outside of the 9-5, some may need more structure than others, and some don’t want to have to move for a job. Is your company willing to compromise on these and if not, are you prepared that it may take longer to find someone that wants exactly what you want? Gen Z is defining the new normal for the workplace, setting expectations and boundaries that allow employees to do more than just work to live. Companies need to listen and take action on the wants and needs of their workers, and this is what will build true company loyalty.
Link with Allee – click here
Millennial - Response – Taryn Foy, Leadership Product manager
It’s time for companies to shift their philosophy on talent recruitment and retention, and provide flexibility in work time, location, and environment. The pandemic has taught us that work continues in a multitude of ways - working from home, having a hybrid in-person, WFH option, and also working during non-traditional hours. In spaces where this is possible, offer employees the option. It’s clear from the research that there’s no top preferred method... and preferences change as our lives continue to evolve.
Knowing that employees are less likely to stay in a role for an extended period of time is something that can be planned for, not just reacted to. Rethinking the length of time someone stays in a role can allow managers to redesign how the roles work within the larger system. This would also serve as a solution for when multiple roles are open to be filled, thus causing strain on the remaining team members.
Companies should also embrace the many layers of individual’s interests. In speaking with my small-business owner friends, 9 times out of 10, they decided to start their own business out of the lack of creativity in their day job. When possible, companies should allow employees to work across functions in an effort to continue professional development and support various interests. We’re all aware of the fact that individuals change industries more than once during their careers. Providing the opportunity to explore another area of the business could prove to be beneficial for retention, career exploration, and expand a company’s growth.
Link with Taryn – Click here
Gen X - Response – Jim Brodo, CMO
For the foreseeable future, companies will continue to struggle with the Great Resignation issue. They will have to develop short- and long-term plans to not only recruit new employees but most importantly, retain existing employees.
Companies will have to do a better job at listening to what motivates today’s employees, and they must adjust, not just give it “lip service.” In addition, they must begin to stabilize and standardize compensation packages, develop clear succession planning, identify career paths, and lock down fair and equal benefit packages. They may even start to require a specified contract length to collect a bonus, or some sort of incentive pay to entice people to stay.
However, to me, one of the most important things companies must do is invest in training their people. I read a LinkedIn post the other day that paraphrased, “I walked off my job prior to my 90-day mark due to my supervisor. The supervisor created a toxic environment and provided no feedback and guidance which created incredible stress. Three weeks later I was able to get a higher paying job, that let me work at home.”
These stories will continue to happen if companies don’t invest in their managers and leaders. Even if the compensation and work balance issues are corrected, poor management will continue exacerbating the situation. With good management training, there was no real reason why this person left her job except for a bad work environment. Organizationally, we cannot just “check the box” with training. Every person from top to bottom needs to have access to relevant and interactive training like business simulations that will help them build the competencies and skills required in their job today and in future positions.
Link with Jim - Click here