Business Strategy Lessons from the Demise of the A&P

By Robert Brodo | Dec 1, 2015 11:05:52 AM

Last week brought an end to one of the most iconic brands in American industry history, The Great American & Pacific Tea Company which owned retail grocery stores under the brand names of A&P, Pathmark, Super Fresh, Waldbaums, and Food Emporium.  The retail food industry is a very tough business and it can be considered a highly commoditized business.  Last week, I published a blog titled “Applying an Advanced Business Acumen Perspective to Commoditized Markets” which shared new frameworks and ideas about how to compete successfully in highly commoditized markets like retail food. Sadly for consumers, the death of A&P is a story that fits into this framework and can provide interesting and useful business strategy lessons and the application of Advantexe’s Commodity Quadrant Tool which we provide to our clients and readers of this blog (Download the Commodity Quadrant Tool)

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The Biggest Mistake Leaders Make in Executing Strategy

By Robert Brodo | Nov 5, 2015 11:39:19 AM

It seems like every hour our inboxes are alerted to the latest blog, article, white paper, or video about the newest and hottest trend in executing strategy. These updates usually set the stage for their perspective with some great and profound quote from a renowned expert…

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Long -term Strategic Planning is Alive and Well!

By Robert Brodo | Nov 5, 2015 11:14:57 AM

Who says long term strategic planning is dead? In many of the business acumen learning workshops that I conduct, participants push back on the concept of long term strategic planning. They feel that in these days of Wall Street-driven results that the concept of long-term planning is dead; replaced by the emphasis on quarterly results and short term payouts of dividends.

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Are your Customer Relationships Strong Enough for LinkedIn?

By Robert Brodo | Nov 5, 2015 11:13:49 AM

5 Strategies to Make Sure That Your Customer Relationships are Strong Enough to Show on LinkedIn

I just finished facilitating an interesting conversation with a group of sales professionals participating in a customized Strategic Business Selling learning journey. One of the topics of this training is leveraging social selling to enhance the selling process and to enhance the customer relationship and experience.

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Walmart’s Strategic Financial  Management Tactics

By Robert Brodo | Nov 4, 2015 11:03:52 PM

Sometimes the business news takes your breath away.  This morning I read with great interest that Walmart has announced that effective this Friday, November 22, 2013, they are starting their "Black Friday" sale a week early.  In addition, they have added a "Christmas Match" campaign that effectively matches the lowest price of any competitive offering

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