Insights into Effective Stakeholder Mapping

By Robert Brodo | Jun 14, 2024 7:51:45 AM

The question from one of our participants was very straightforward and something I thought would be easy to answer.

Yesterday while conducting a Business Leadership workshop for a global audience we had a module on “Stakeholder Mapping.” This is a core module in our content library and it is used to build skills and capabilities in a digital simulation workshop and then of course back on the job.

We were discussing one of the most basic tools of Stakeholder Mapping tools where you identify and segment key stakeholders by how important they are to the project, process, or change, and what is their level of support. This graphic provides the four quadrants of stakeholder mapping as each quadrant will inform you of what to do and how to do it.

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Strategic Thoughts: When Innovators Outsource Innovation

By Robert Brodo | Jun 12, 2024 7:57:02 AM

The business world is buzzing today with news that Apple has entered into a partnership with OpenAi to integrate OpenAi’s AI technologies into Apple’s core products. As one writer put it, “Siri is going to get really smart really quickly.”

Developing innovation internally or paying for it through investments and M&A externally has become one of the most popular learning points in Advantexe’s simulation-centric Business Acumen learning programs.

Inevitably, the learning conversation focuses on the positives, negatives, costs, and impact on the brand.

This week, I am delivering a Business Acumen program to a specialty materials client and my cohort is all based in Europe and Asia. While delivering a module on strategic thinking and planning, the question about outsourcing innovation came up so I promised the team I would turn it into a blog for learning purposes. Here goes…

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How to Lead an Environment of Trust in a Hybrid Work Environment

By Robert Brodo | Jun 6, 2024 7:46:11 AM

As with many of our blogs, we find deep inspiration and insights from the training sessions with great clients that we conduct on a daily basis around the world. Today, I had the chance to facilitate a Fundamentals of Business Leadership™ simulation workshop working with new and 1–3 year managers on how to be a great business leader. Business leadership is how you execute your business strategy and achieve financial results through people, so setting goals, giving feedback, coaching, resolving business conflicts, and leading change are pillars of success.

One of the simulation scenarios is about creating equity on your team when leading a diverse group of hybrid workers in different time zones. As we were going through the scenario, one of the participants disagreed with some of the core feedback saying that until you have established an environment of trust, nothing else matters. We purposely took a tangent and dug deep into her sentiments. What resulted was an amazing few moments of organic learning which I am sharing in this blog!

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What Every Employee Needs to Know About the Impact of Inflation

By Robert Brodo | Jun 4, 2024 7:27:37 AM

I recognize that over the past five months, I have written several blogs about inflation from a business acumen perspective. And just when I thought the thirst for more learning was fading away, I spent a good 30 minutes today during a business acumen workshop for one of our clients discussing inflation from a very practical perspective and more importantly what they can do at their “everyday employee” level to address it and minimize the negative impacts on financial results.

Based on what I hear from our clients every day, inflation is a critical concept that every manager should understand as it affects every aspect of business operations. This blog presents a cleaned-up and concise overview of all the key learning points.

The critical knowledge that everyday managers need to know about inflation:

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Digital Business Simulation meets AI at the ATD Conference

By Robert Brodo | May 30, 2024 7:33:01 AM

Last week, I shared several blog posts about Advantexe’s observations and perspectives on the 2024 ATD Conference in New Orleans. We received a lot of great feedback and by far the most popular and discussed concept was about the gigantic shift toward AI-enhanced learning and development.

One of the most exciting parts of ATD for Advantexe was our in-booth business simulation contest where participants ran a business simulation we created just for the show. We had tremendous participation in the challenge and great results from participants.

As an experiment, we took a minute to feed all of the simulation results into the new Chat GPT engine and asked it to turn the results into a blog.

The result is frightening and fascinating. The world of learning and development as we know it is about to change forever.

Everything from this point forward in this post was created in less than 10 seconds by AI.

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Advantexe Learning Solutions - The Power of Practice