5 Reasons Why Business Acumen Training Should Be a Priority

By Jim Brodo | Sep 25, 2024 8:03:28 AM

Last weekend my wife asked me to fix something wrong with the plumbing. Between you and me, probably not the best idea. I can manage a wrench… a little bit, but before you know it, I had water spraying everywhere, and I was Googling "how to undo ...." It’s safe to say, by the end, we’d called a professional and were dealing with way more costs (and frustration) than if we’d just done that in the first place.

Now, let’s think about your business. Every day, businesses around the world are asking employees at all levels to navigate their roles without an understanding of how to drive the business. That’s why Business Acumen Training should be a priority for any organization that is focused on growth and long-term success.

In our experience working with over 250 global companies here are five critical reasons why investing in Business Acumen Training should be a priority:

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Will Cutting Interest Rates Save 2024 Corporate Results?

By Robert Brodo | Sep 20, 2024 11:54:56 AM

We just finished a Business Acumen workshop for one of our heavy manufacturing clients. During the 3rd round of their customized business simulation, we had prepared a “wobbler” for the purpose of having the senior leaders feel and discuss the impact of a significant interest rate cut after a full year of near recession cooling down. We wanted the conversation and the actions to focus on “saving” the business year in terms of the guidance the simulated teams had provided to their simulated shareholders and board of directors.

After the round, we processed what happened and had a nice 45-minute “bridge-back” discussion to plan actions to take the key learnings back to the real world.

I took a lot of notes and am pleased to share some of the interesting findings and insights.

Here are five thoughts on, “Can cutting interest rates significantly impact Q3 and Q4 performance?”:

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5 Business Acumen Take-Aways from Slowing Electronic Vehicles Sales

By Robert Brodo | Sep 17, 2024 8:52:46 AM

Advantexe delivers many business acumen training programs for our clients in the automobile industry including clients who manufacture cars, clients who manufacture tires, and clients who supply the paint to new and refurbished cars.

Overall, the automotive industry has been volatile as it is still recovering from the pandemic and all the issues surrounding it. One of the more interesting aspects of where the market is right now is the deliberate and intentional choice of manufacturers to scale back on the production and forecasts for electronic vehicles.

For the last decade automakers such as Tesla, General Motors, Ford, and Toyota have been spending billions of dollars in the race to develop electric vehicles and build factories to produce them, with expectations that consumers would flock to these cars.

However, during the past 12 months, the growth rate of electric vehicle sales has slowed sharply as some car buyers have hesitated at the high prices of electric cars and trucks and the hassles of charging them, especially on long trips.

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Revisiting the Top 5 Reasons Why Executing Strategy Fails

By Robert Brodo | Sep 13, 2024 1:45:15 PM

I had the pleasure of facilitating a great Business Leadership workshop for an organization adapting to a new strategy after a major merger of two equally sized enterprises. The workshop focuses on lifting up and developing business acumen and business leadership skills.

We spent some really good time introducing and discussing strategic frameworks and how to choose the right value proposition to offer customers.

After that discussion, we turned our attention to the execution of the strategy. As I have shared for many years, at Advantexe we define business leadership as the execution of your strategy through people. In discussing and learning about execution, one of the best ways to explore what works is to discuss and understand what doesn’t work. As part of an exercise, I asked participants working in teams of 5 (we had teams) to discuss and list out their top reasons why they feel strategy execution doesn’t work in their organization.

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What Do I need to Know About the P/E Ratio?

By Robert Brodo | Sep 11, 2024 8:10:35 AM

When Advantexe develops our customized simulation-centric Business Acumen training programs, we typically will include a few metrics or key performance indicators (KPIs) that our clients want us to focus on and teach to. The most common metrics we are asked for include Gross Margin, EBIT, EBITDA, and Total Shareholder Return (TSR).

This week, one of our clients asked us to lift up and teach our Business Acumen training participants about the Price-earnings (P/E) ratio. The reason behind this request is that their CEO is extremely upset that the Wall Street analysts covering his stock are saying the stock wasn’t valued as highly as it should be, and that the P/E ratio was too low.

The P/E ratio is a fundamental tool in financial analysis used to evaluate a company's stock price relative to its earnings. If ever there was a time for a business acumen blog and P/E ratio this, is it!

Here are five key aspects of the P/E ratio that are crucial to understand:

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